The CSAT Way

About CSAT Courses
Which course is the right one for you?
1 Day Pistol/1 Day Rifle
Pistol and Rifle fundamentals and Shooting Standards are taught in this course. This two-day class gives you a solid base of all the fundamentals for both weapon systems.
2 Day Pistol
This two-day class also covers all the pistol standards and uses video to help student development along with movement scenarios.
2 Day Rifle
This two-day class covers all the standards along with movement and distance shooting (300 yards) along with shooter self-development.
Long Range Hunter
A mini “Sniper Class” focused on hunting and a system on how to make first-round hits as far as you, your rifle, scope and ammo are capable.
Custom Classes
We can customize both civilian and LE classes upon request.
CQB Classes
CQB classes will focus on safety, situational awareness, discrimination, decision-making skills and working in close proximity to another shooter.
Advanced Individual Tactics focuses on handgun and rifle employment during daytime and nighttime with handheld and gun lights. We move in and out of structures and an in and out of vehicles. We take you back to 60 yards with hand held lights and handguns. This class is both day and night.
Close Quarter Tactics teaches students how to “layer” their pistol, knife, flashlight, and impact tools. Hand combat concepts are taught and how to go from one tool to the next in both contact fighting (close in), stand-up fighting, and ground fighting. We also work on moving people with just hands or with a pistol in our hands.
Guardian is designed for teachers/staff, church security and School Resource Officers. It requires a Tac Pistol class or equivalent.
The Urban Defense Course teaches individuals in a two-person element how to move and solve tactical problems that can arise during natural and manmade disasters and during civil wars. Single CQB is taught along with how to deal with individuals and mass attacks.
RDS/Extreme Pistol
The Extreme Pistol class is for student who wishes to improve their personal handgun mechanics with either iron sights or RDS.
Tac Pistol/Rifle Instructor
This course teaches future Instructors a simple stair-stepped system of instruction and how to properly instruct, shoot demos, manage firing lines, mentor and teach students efficiently and safely.
Shoot House Instructor
The Shoot House Instructor teaches a student how to safely manage a live fire Shoot House both day and night. Further it gives the student a simple single-person, two-person, team and multi-team CQB system.
Patrol Counter Ambush Inst.
PCA teaches the Patrol Officer and Field Training Officer how to look at, approach and solve tactical problems they will encounter on the street. They will learn hot setup and implement live fire training for their officers.
Basic SWAT
This course is designed to teach and a new SWAT officer tactical drills necessary for team deployment. When finished with the course, they should be able to safely integrate into all tactical live fire operations used by their tactical team.
Advanced SWAT
This course is Hostage Rescue based and will teach and integrate SWAT officers in all the basic missions including Vehicle Assaults. Assault and mission planning will also be performed in the course.
Urban Marksman
The UM course is designed to teach a new Urban Marksman their responsibilities as a UM through 12 tactical drills that they should be able to perform on demand when deployed as a sniper. This course is also great for tactical and sniper commanders so they know how their marksman should be training to include their capabilities and limitations.
Live Fire Adv Hostage Rescue
This course teaches the experienced officer or tactical officer everything from exterior contact to all problems encountered on a target during Hostage Rescue Operations. All components of this course are live fire.