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December 2024 Training Update

Writer's picture: Paul HowePaul Howe

Updated: Dec 12, 2024




When attending CSAT classes in the future, please have:

·        Electronic Ears

·        Tourniquet

·        Thumb drive


The reasoning behind the Electronic Ears is simple. We want you to hear range commands on the line and during scenarios.  Input can be made without shouting.


As for Tourniquets, I watch many a person who have one on their gear, not use it as they don’t want to remove it from the pouch or the plastic.  If your tourniquet is so fragile that it cannot be used for training, you need to buy a different one.  You should have training tourniquets as well.  If you need one, the Pro Shop will happily sell you one.


Finally, bring a thumb drive to collect class information and handouts.





Our new comprehensive training website has over 450 videos and articles.



We are cutting back our footprint on YouTube and will reestablish it on another website. 


We continue to work on new video content for the Patreon Operator and Patreon Instructor. The site currently has over 227 videos.


You can visit “The CSAT Way” on Facebook for video updates.




While the barracks have saved many students money in the past, I must, unfortunately, raise the rent.  To stay there for a two- or three-day class, it is $100 extra to class tuition.  Power, water, AC/Heat have all gone up, and maintenance and maintenance contracts.  Send any complaints to Joe Biden, PODUS. Also, if you are a current LEO paying on your own dime, the barracks increase does not apply to you.   This will take place in the Fall.




Now, the hard part begins.




Our country is like a house that has had bad renters or “squatters” for four years or more. We need to clean it, rebuild it, and move on. There is a lot to do.


  • Time to Clean

  • Time to Rebuild

  • Do not make the same mistakes and let the same renters in. Historically, document and put safeguards in place.


Time to Clean


It is time to “Clean” the political trash from our government—in all directions—especially the heads of agencies who sold their souls to the politicians of the world and not the people they serve.


The Obamas, Clintons, and Bidens are spawns of the Devil, if you will. Semi intelligent with only evil intent directed to self-service and self-profit. They corrupted our government, whose purpose should be a referee of sorts for the Constitution, the people it serves and the free market system.


Those who took bribes and aligned with foreign governments, such as China, need to be tried and prosecuted. If it was found that the last election was corrupt, heads need to roll. The days of forgive and forget are past. If the example is not made, they will continue their corrupt ways and other weak-minded people will follow.


Some may disagree, but the idea of 87,000 IRS can be used to our advantage. Accountants are generally black and white numbers people. Start a slow and methodical selection and training process with the first class of instruction being that of the Constitution. Of those 87k, use some for ICE in their new mission.


To graduate, new IRS Agents must help with one or more audits with a seasoned agent. Start with Congress, and every congressional rep must submit to an audit. This provides the new agents with real-world training and teaches them what is important while creating a way to cleanse and verify that our representatives who are not corrupted.


Then, set up Task Forces for the states and cities that everyone knows to be corrupt. Start with Chicago. Set up a template and the apply it to other corrupt cities. 


If they find wrongdoing, pass it on to the FBI, which should have been purged of its corrupt leadership. After two years of successful evaluations and performance, these new IRS agents could apply for lateral transfers to other government agencies. The FBI will also need new blood.


This model will create a pool of worthy candidates to serve our nation. Money is generally the root of corruption. Find the issues, fix them, and move on.


Next, evaluate every College or University that gets state or federal funding. If they are found to be biased, cut their funds. Currently, they are simply democratic training academy for the weak minded. Put corrupt professors out of work.


Time to Rebuild


This must be done concurrently with the cleanup. Leadership must coordinate efforts of two-sub contractors working in a house at the same time. Easy to do; you just need to plan and pay attention.


The FBI is a case in point. They probably need to be cleaned out at least three layers down from the top. Can you bring in good retired guys who were forced out to fill a temporary void? You bet. Do not let their talent go to waste, and they will know of other rock-solid key players to put into leadership positions and others to bring back from retirement.


Revoke security clearances of rogue government employees and congressional reps who used the information against other political parties and Americans, especially in the intel agencies.


As has been suggested, cut the Federal Government down to fighting weight. It is beyond bloated and corrupt.


Next, gut the military leadership of political lap dogs. Hold tribunals or civilian courts on the state and readiness of the military to include the Afghanistan withdrawal and deaths. Ft. Leavenworth has room for a few more inmates.


Safe Guards


Finally, Term Limits to Congress are the first thing that comes to mind. Entrenched and corrupt politicians prioritize their wallets and bank accounts over the American Citizens.




Yes, we have plateaued in our incompetence. For years, we have let the JV team of politics and government rule and direct. You can see the results: watered-down, dumbed-down, torn down with unbridled ignorance and arrogance.


We have almost achieved the “Welfare State” as envisioned by the Democrats—a version of socialism at its best. Their mantra is to direct and reward mediocre performance in all aspects of our government. The Federal mantra has trickled down and impacted state and local governments as well.


Where has it impacted?


·         Education

·         Military

·         Law Enforcement

·         Government Services


Our public education system stifles Initiative and excellence. It rewards poor teachers and gifted teachers the same. The result is a dumbed-down student base. Parents hope for their kids to be raised up by the system while they work their butts off to pay the bills. We have another generation of voters who want better.


Next, through democrat initiatives and a politically motivated Officer Corps, our military has been turned off course. Like a leaning ship with a broken rudder, it must be righted and put back on course while our enemies have become stronger.


One only needs to look as far as the Marcus Luttrells and of Seal fame. The stories are now just coming out after building statues and making them rich. I guess no one trained Marcus to run towards the fight and save your buddies. Yes, there is cowardice in Special Ops, and sometimes, there is no moral compass. Who allowed this? The Officer Corps.


The Officer Corps promoted lies and stood behind their failed actions. The Seals needed new blood and heroes, so they reached out to ignorant kids who wanted to establish their personal self-esteem, not knowing the lies and the broken system. There are good Seals. The Officer Corps does not push them forward and use them as role models. The public is left to figure out years later what was hype and fluff. Those in the arena have always known the deal.


I walked away from special ops after seeing the Officer Corps waste lives on a frivolous mission and scurry around, trying harder to protect their careers than to take care of their men or find out the truth. CDF’s is what we would coarsely refer them as-Cheese Dick Fucks. Sadly, the NCO Corps of the military will only be allowed to be as good as the Officer Corps allows. Most officers do not want strong NCOs; they are threatened by them.


Do these same attitudes trickle down to State and Local Law Enforcement? You bet. Like the education system, “Welfare Leadership” is where the structure or command allows the good officers to be treated the same as the bad officers. This attitude kills morale. The governmental welfare structure allows good officers on the ground to suffer and generally vote with their feet when they become fully disgruntled.


Who allows this mediocrity? Clueless legislators and political appointees who wish to appease and who wish to appear to be fixing problems. In reality, they are promoting mediocrity.


Sadly, the State of Texas Law Enforcement is in the same boat. The most embarrassing Active Shooter Response in our nation’s history, Uvalde, over 20 years after the Columbine massacre, was solved by a federal agent with a set of balls. Not local or state law enforcement in that jurisdiction.


Yet, here we are, continuing to throw state and federal money at failed programs and low standards in Texas.


Would I rather have trained School Guardians respond to an Active Shooter event or a School Resource Officer? In most cases, I would rather have Guardians, Armed Teachers, or Staff respond.


While some School Resource Officers are solid performers, many are put out to pasture in the position. This is a result of failed leadership in LE and weak management at best.


We routinely have Teacher Guardians outshoot School Resource Officers who rely on their past glory as LEOs to get by. That past glory goes away when they get to the range, and the target and scores speak for themselves.


Who are the real losers in this equation? The kids, parents and teachers in Uvalde and the American people. I look forward to a positive federal change and hope it will trickle down to our state.


If LEOs want respect, they must earn it. Beards, tattoos, and RDS Pistols don’t seem to be cutting it…


Finally, the left and its agents have had 4 years to prepare, plan, and train. Longer, if you count the Obama years. Do the conservatives have what it takes to take the “White Hats” off and take care of business? We shall see.



These two key factors in hiring can make or break your organization.


Potential refers to how far an individual can progress. The potential is determined by individual Initiative. If an individual lacks Initiative and drive, you likely cannot infuse them. They must find a way to infuse themselves.


If we break down potential into two main areas, this will help you understand the intent of this article. The first is the potential to do a job well. The next is the potential to step up to leadership positions and lead future individuals with potential.


Leadership vs. Management


“We waste human potential and talent through Management and not Leadership.”


Simply put, we Lead People and Manage things. Most people who rise in government organizations are managers, not leaders. Managers can keep the ship going inefficiently while cracking the whip, cratering morale among the good people keeping the ship afloat.




If you weigh Potential and Initiative highly in your selection process, you cannot fail. Initiative-based people have energy, or they would not have Initiative. 


People with potential have open minds and are willing to self-develop for the better. The combination of the two in an individual can only mean success with the right leadership. The wrong leadership will kill morale and people will vote with their feet, leaving the organization to continually struggle to perform and survive. Weak leaders prefer weak individuals they can intimidate, dominate, and control.


As for the Alphabet folks (LGQBT) and others, I think they have recently found that no one cares about their lifestyle unless they attempt to force it down someone’s throat. No one cares if two females clean their carpets the night before. Or if two males probe their FMEPs (Fecal Matter Exhaust Port) on their own time. However, targeting kids is a no-no and should be outlawed. Drag Queens that target kids are guilty of solicitation of minors.


Religious groups need to step up as well, in a positive manner.. Every person and religion worships God in their own way. That is what our country was founded on. Respect for others values and peaceful worship.


If you look at Uvalde and the failed response, you see a management response that failed and likely every group that I have mentioned above was represented there in that failed mission.


What was the common denominator of failure? The selection process and subsequent training. An individual signing up for this mission must be ready to put their own life on the line to save another human being. If they are not willing to do that, move on. 




Successful leaders live the example for they lead. Had the leadership of Uvalde lived the example day to day, I believe the outcome would have been different. They all ran for legal and political cover, as cowards do.


Did the larger system (the State of Texas) fix the problem? No, they did not. They threw training bandages on an arterial bleed.


True Leaders understand that state training requirements are minimal and low. Leaders at individual agencies can have higher department standards and hold officers accountable to maintain those levels. Simply make new and old officers sign a performance contract as a condition of employment. It just takes a bit more work, but it can be done.



I have been running Ameriglo Protector Sights on my G26s. While shooting in our low-light Pistol AIT class (Advanced Individual Tactics) this month, I noticed the Ameriglos were dim—too dim to be effective.


I ordered some Truglo’s, as pictured below and they worked great. They are quality, the white dot is big and easy to see and they are bright at night (hot). I switched most of my guns over to them as they were at the right price on Amazon ($32). 


I did buy a set of Heinies, and while they are of high quality, they are expensive. I have shot the Heine two-dot system in the past, but the Ameriglos are just as fast. 

I will likely make a video on these sights, how I install them, widen the back notch, and my zeroing procedures. Look for it in the upcoming months.




We have started a “soft” calendar at this point. Let me know if you have groups or need training, and we can schedule it. This means if you have a small group, we can build a class around your dates and back fill it.


I keep room for special classes that always come up. It helps if you start planning now. Once someone commits, they own the dates.





“Conflict Communication” by Rory Miller.

A good follow on to the book “Verbal Judo.”

I have gone through it one time and will do a re-read.


We have a clearance on Knives and Hawks. Contact the shop for details.


“Check in at for our line of Tomahawks and limited-edition blades.”






It is getting cooler, which makes maintenance and training more enjoyable.




Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on the range.


Paul R. Howe

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