NEW FOR 2023
When attending CSAT classes in the future, please have:
Electronic Ears
Thumb drive
The reasoning behind the Electronic Ears is simple. We want you to hear range commands on the line and during scenarios. Input can be made without shouting.
As for Tourniquets, I watch many people who have one on their gear not use it as they don’t want to remove it from the pouch or the plastic. If your tourniquet is so fragile that it cannot be used for training, you need to buy a different one. You should have training tourniquets as well. If you need one, the Pro Shop will happily sell you one.
Finally, bring a thumb drive as it has never been easier and cheaper to collect class information and handouts than at this time in history.
We continue working on new video content for the Patreon Operator and Patreon Instructor. As of 1 Jan 2022, we had 170 videos on the site.
You can visit “The CSAT Way” on FaceBook for video updates.
Texas SB999 cleared and they took out the equivalent clause, which would allow “equivalent or better” training than ALERRT.
In our view, the state is granting sole authority to an organization with substandard training and one only look as far as Uvalde to see the results.
I have ALERRT manuals that cite CSAT 5x when they first started and now for the state to exclude a veteran-owned company from teaching is wrong.
TECOLE is the blessing authority and not ALERRT. Allowing ALERRT to become a clearing house for training and tactics allows a sole organization to determine state qualifications and standards. In my mind, they have already failed. We are now throwing more money, time, and authority at a failed model.
ALERRT’s Simunitions based training is a failure and most officers in the field know this and that their requirements are a “ticket punch” and not realistic training.
Officers need live fire training to build skills and confidence to respond to Active Shooter events. Requiring officers to divert precious time and resources for substandard training is criminal.
We have been teaching Guardian Programs for over ten years at CSAT, all Live Fire. From my understanding, DPS will all control Guardian Training, and everyone will have to adhere to their mandates. While it will not take effect until Dec 2024, I will not take money from schools for classes unless the program is blessed by DPS. Otherwise, you get great training, but training that does not qualify for state credit. DPS will be starting from scratch in developing a program. Also, I have been informed that it will be illegal for Guardians to seek outside training.
Having trained over 12 ISDs, I hope they will not take a step backward and train in “Grab Ass” paintball scenarios without proper range fire train up.
The good news is that we will continue to offer Live Fire Guardian Training for those who wish for reality-based training in Churches and private schools.
I have begun to research this legality as it will deem only in-house training from one entity.
TCOLE, in my view, cannot bless only one training system that failed in Uvalde, with hundreds of officers failing to respond, including the ISD Commander/Chief.
If you are a trainer in the State of Texas, feel free to contact me, and I will add your name to a roster as I research this legality.
I have structured a Firearm Instructor program to meet the state requirements for “Firearm Instructor” and “Patrol Rifle Instructor.”
6 Days-Last 2 days TP/TR class
Original class/standards
Can give the below LE certificate if they qualify with a shotgun
Scoresheets are modified to do both
Must pass shooting standards, written test and do a live fire demo
6 Days-Last 2 Days TP/TR Class
Must qualify with Shotgun and Pistol on Day 1
Time standards have been lowered for LE
Score Sheets are modified to do both
Must pass shooting standards, written test and do a live fire demo
This will create a superior alternative to the current state program, which is currently backlogged and runs once a year, which is my understanding.
Students in the LE Class can also get a master's Certificate if they shoot the CSAT Tac Pistol/Rifle Standards.
Per TECOLE regulations, students are allowed two attempts to qualify on day 1 of the course with both pistol and shotgun.
Failure to qualify and students will be released from the course. See Standards on the Website.
Finally, we can run a stand-alone LE Patrol Rifle Instructor Course if there is a need and it would be 4 days long.
I have had more requests for leadership seminars and can do a half or full-day program. Looking at Federal and State Governments, we have a void or loss of basic leadership principles and skills.
Burris has come up with a lightweight fixed 3X to compete with the Vortex Spitfire II.
It looks rugged and solid and will likely serve well. The only issue I do not care for is the reticle.
Engineers are trying to make it a long-range scope with a fine reticle pattern. The black center reticle is too fine for my tastes when using it in daylight with dark backgrounds. It would wash out or blend in without the light being on.
The old Circle/Dot on the Burris 332 worked just fine. At this time, I will stick with the Vortex Spitfire II.

Below is just a reminder to check your ammo. I found this round packed in a bandoleer at the bottom of an ammo can. It was Lake City 55 grain and I have been using it as training ammo.
In short, inspect your ammo. Even Mil-Grade stuff will have an issue here and there. Also, there is a reason it hits the open market.


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Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you on the range.
Paul R. Howe
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